Ketogenic - Lymphatic References 

Amato, A. C. M., & Benitti, D. A. (2021). Lipedema can be treated non-surgically: A report of 5 cases. The American Journal of Case Reports, 22, e934406-1.

Apkhanova, TV, Sergeev, VN, Krukova, MM et al. (2021). Influence of Ketogenic Diet and Nutraceutical Correction in the Complex Treatment of Lower Limbs Lipedema. Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine, 20(5), 26-36.  Link to the paper is here.

Bellomo, R. G., Buda, R., Porreca, A., Virgili, E., Postacchini, G., Bacci, P. A., ... & Barbato, C. (2022). Treatment of lymphedema, two methods compared: Ketogenic diet and Endospheres, Ketogenic diet and Vodder lymphatic drainage. Journal of Applied Cosmetology, 40(1), 54-68.  Link to the paper is here.

Cannataro, R., Michelini, S., Ricolfi, L., et al. (2021). Management of Lipedema with Ketogenic Diet: 22-Month Follow-Up. Life, 11(12), 1402.

Di Renzo, Laura, et al. (2023). Modified Mediterranean-Ketogenic Diet and Carboxytherapy as Personalized Therapeutic Strategies in Lipedema: A Pilot Study. Nutrients 15(16), 3654.

Faerber, G. & Keith, L. (2021, December). Is Lipedema Resistant to All Diets? The Impact of a Protein-optimized Ketogenic Diet on Women with Lipedema. [Poster Presentation]. Canadian Lymphoedema Framework, Virtual Conference.  Link for poster is here.

Garcia-Caballero, M., et al. (2019). Role and therapeutic potential of dietary ketone bodies in lymph vessel growth. Nat Metab 1(7): 666–675.

Jeziorek M, Szuba A, Kujawa K, Regulska-Ilow B. (2022). The Effect of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Diet versus Moderate-Carbohydrate and Fat Diet on Body Composition in Patients with Lipedema. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 15, 2545-2561

Jeziorek, M., Szuba, A., Sowicz, M., Adaszyńska, A., Kujawa, K., & Chachaj, A. (2023). The effect of a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet on laboratory parameters in women with lipedema in comparison to overweight/obese women. Nutrients, 15(11), 2619.

Jin, Y., Benzine, R., Dunford, L., Fetzer, S., & Warrilow, M. (2022). An Investigation Into the Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on the Management of Lipoedema. Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Supplement_1), 1064-1064.

Keith, L., Rowsemitt, C., & Richards, L. G. (2020). Lifestyle modification group for lymphedema and obesity results in significant health outcomes. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 14(4), 420-428.  Link is here.

Keith, L., Seo, C. A., Rowsemitt, C., Pfeffer, M., Wahi, M., Staggs, M., ... & Carmody, M. (2021). Ketogenic diet as a potential intervention for lipedema. Medical Hypotheses, 146, 110435. Link to paper is here.

Keith, L. & Erkstam, R. Optimizing Lymphedema Outcomes through Lifestyle. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine 8(1) (2023): 1-13.

Kunzová M. (2023). Optimizing nutrition for the treatment of lipedema – new pathways to improved quality of life. ČASOPIS LÉKAŘŮ ČESKÝCH, 162, 248–250.

Lodewijckx, I., Matthys, C., Verheijen, J., Verscuren, R., Devoogdt, N., Van der Schueren, B., ... & Thomis, S. (2024). Potential therapeutic effect of a ketogenic diet for the treatment of lymphoedema: Results of an exploratory study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.  Link is here.

Lundanes, J., Sandnes, F., Gjeilo, K. H., Hansson, P., Salater, S., Martins, C., & Nymo, S. (2024). Effect of a low‐carbohydrate diet on pain and quality of life in female patients with lipedema: a randomized controlled trial. Obesity.

Pitotti, G., Vincenti, S., Basciani, S., Michelini, S. (2024). Lipedema and Nutrition: High Fat Ketogenic Diet as Treatment of Choice. Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Reports 5(2):1-9.  Link is here

Puchalska, P. & P. A. Crawford (2019). Ketogenic therapies for lymphedema? Nat Metab 1(7). 656–657.

Sørlie, V., De Soysa, A. K., Hyldmo, A. A., et al. (2021). Effect of a ketogenic diet on pain and quality of life in patients with lipedema: The LIPODIET pilot study. Obesity Science & Practice.  Link to paper is here.

Please contact me if you need any help locating these papers, or if you have found a paper or publication that I have missed.  Enjoy your research!

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